Sunday, April 11, 2010

The big Trip

I cannot believe Spring Break has come and gone already! Amaya and I left bright and early last Saturday to embark on our journey across the country. As I said in my last post, I was very nervous about the plane flight. I wish I could say that I had no reason to be nervous because Amaya was a saint on that long 5 hour plane flight. However, it was the LONGEST 5 hours of my life! Amaya screamed almost the entire time and this is after someone was kind of enough to switch us spots so Amaya could have a seat all to herself. There was no consoling her at all. She refused to keep headphones on her head to watch any movies, didn't want snacks, she didn't want to read books, color in her coloring book, or anything else I tried, including her binki and the Tylenol. So, here are my tips if you are flying with an child over the age of 1.
  1. If at all possible buy an extra ticket for your child and put the car seat in the plane seat. Maybe this would have helped?
  2. Don't expect your child to sleep on the plane. It just might not happen.
  3. Practice using headphones with your child a few weeks or months before you leave if you plan on trying a portable DVD player or iphone.
  4. Realize that others have gone through it too and that you'll be off of the plane very soon(even though it seems like you'll be stuck there for an eternity).
So other than the difficult plane flights we had a wonderful time in California. It was wonderful to see Patti, Braden, and Tommy and it was great to spend so much time with them! California was absolutely beautiful. It is green this time of year because it rains in the spring and its simply breathtaking. Amaya had a great time playing with Braden (we miss them so much already!) and got used to sleeping in the car every day as we traveled around. We saw the Jelly Belly factory, Travis air force base, Pacific Highway, the beach, downtown San Fransisco, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Redwoods, and my personal favorite, Napa Valley. I love looking out over God's creation and just being amazed at the work of His hands. To think that He creates things that are so majestic and beautiful. From the huge gigantic Redwood trees to the tiny little creatures that crawl on the ground beneath them. Wow, what a great and mighty God we serve! So tomorrow its back to work for me and I know that I have so much to be thankful for! I'm thankful that God brought us home safely and that my husband was here to greet us and give us big hugs and surprise me with a newly painted bedroom! I"m thankful that my daughter has a voice to scream with and that those time are quickly forgotten every time she giggles and makes us laugh. I"m thankful for so many things and I think I often forget to thank God for those things! So take a few minutes today to simply thank God for all of those little things that you are so thankful for!

1 comment:

LisaMarie said...

We gave max a little benadryl to help with his ears and his nerves. :). Sorry your flight was so rough. Sounds like a good trip!