Monday, September 5, 2011

10 months DTE

Yesterday marked our tenth DTE (Dossier to Ethiopia) anniversary. We're around #8 on the "unofficial" waiting list.  One very exciting thing that happened this month was that we are very very close to our financial goal for the adoption! We only have about 1200 more dollars to go.  WAHOO!! GOD IS AWESOME!

Yesterday I (Tami) received this e-mail from our little guy (I think my husband had something to do with this).  Love it...

"Dear Mommy,

Happy 10 month DTE anniversary! Can you believe that you and Daddy have had to wait this long? I know waiting to find out just who I am is very hard for you. I sure know its hard for me. But I know that God has created me just for you and you just for me. Remember what Daddy was telling you just the other night about Abraham? He said that even though Abraham and Sarah had every reason to believe that there was no way God's promises would come true, they still had believed. So when it is hard to believe that the day will ever come when you get to hold me remember that God's timing is perfect and he knows just what you and I need. I love you Mommy and I can't wait for you and Daddy to hold me in your arms.

Tell Daddy and Amaya that I love them and I can't wait to meet them too!"


Wellstopia said...

Totally made me tear up! We love you guys!

Debb said...

Congrats on being another month closer!!! That email note is precious. Absolutely precious!!!s